Are you concerned about losing places in nature that you love?
Are you worried about your own future and the future of your children?
Do you know people who’ve experienced personal loss due to
environmental catastrophe or damage?
Do you have a community or small group you can talk to about your concerns?
Here you’ll find books, classes, films, organizations, and other helpful tools to assist you on your journey.
Please explore these resources and share them with your friends & family.
We encourage supporting your local independent book sellers, find one in your area!
Also available through amazon links here
The Power of Ceremony: Restoring the Sacred in Our Selves, Our Families, Our Communities
– Linda Neale
Braiding Sweetgrass & Gathering Moss
– Robin Wall Kimmerer
The Lakota Way: Stories and Lessons for Living
– Joseph M. Marshall III
Sacred Tree: Reflections on Native American Spirituality
– Judie Bopp, Michael Bopp, Lee Brown, Phil Lane Jr
Original Instructions for a sustainable Future
– Melissa K. Nelson, John Mohawk, John Trudell, and more
Plant Teachings for Growing Social-Emotional Skills: Cultivating Resiliency and Wellbeing with Northwest Plants – A collaborative project by GRuB and Northwest Indian Treatment Center
– Author Kent Nerburn
– Author Cliff Taylor
– Matthew Fox
Indigenous Nations Resources
The Bureau of Indian Affairs maintains a list of 576 tribal nations throughout the United States. Find and connect with tribal nations in your area to learn more about their history, ceremonies, issues, and current events.
Find a PowWow near you through out the nation!
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
Managing fishery resources and protecting reserved treaty rights
PSU’s Native American Community Center
Support Indigenous Nations
Support the Chinook Nation's fight for Federal Recognition
Ties First Foods to the landscape • Treaty-identified resources • ITECK Ways of knowing and relating
Yes Magazine - Solutions Journalism
Creation Spirituality Communities
A network of individuals and communities who experience our own spiritual paths in connection to the evolving paradigms of the universe
Bird Alliance of Oregon’s passionate and growing community has loved and advocated for Oregon’s wildlife and wild places for more than 100 years.
Confluence connects you to the history, living cultures, and ecology of the Columbia River system through Indigenous voices
Uniting people to fight for clean water and the climate
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Working to create a world where people and the planet thrive
We align, amplify, and bridge the sector’s efforts with other global leaders to advance urgent climate priorities
Bioneers is inspiring and realizing a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations
Across aisles, sectors and borders the Nature Conservancy is tackling the dual threats of accelerated climate change and unprecedented biodiversity loss
GRuB grows healthy food, people, and community, with roots in the land, creating opportunities for people to learn, lead, and thrive
Native Plants and Foods Curriculum Portal
Two beloved Native American wellness activists offer wisdom for achieving spiritual, physical, and emotional wellbeing rooted in Indigenous ancestral knowledge
Project 562 created by Matika Wilbur is a multi-year national photography project dedicated to photographing over 562 federally recognized Tribes, urban Native communities, Tribes fighting for federal recognition and Indigenous role models in what is currently-known-as the United States
Global Center for Indigenous Leadership & Lifeways
Bringing ancient Indigenous ways of knowing and wisdom
into modern times
Connecting people to the natural and
spiritual worlds, and bridging the wisdom of the Ancient Ones with the world of today so that the diversity of life may flourish for future generations.
Earth and Spirit Council's Youtube Channel
Neurodecolonization and Indigenous pathways to healing traumas of colonialism – Michael Yellow Bird
Breath of Life theory and Leadership – Dr. Cindy Blackstock
Seven Visions Studios - Inspiring the next generations of Visionaries